Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. This dangerous event,
according to what the Palestinians describe, came after Netanyahu approved this
step, and under an extreme right-wing Israeli government that marks a dangerous
escalation of the situation in Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem, and the rest of the
Palestine. They also see it as a continuation of the Israeli policies in Jerusalem,
especially against the Islamic and Christian holy places, which means of special
importance to the Palestinians in Jerusalem and Palestine and even to the region
in general.
Since the announcement of Ghafir’s intention and decision to storm the
courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque, social media networks and media stations in
Palestine and other countries have circulated what happened in September 2000
when Ariel Sharon stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa, which led to of the second
intifada or was known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada at the time.
The Palestinian political forces issued many statements denouncing and
condemning this escalating and dangerous step, and saw in it a prelude to the
new extremist Israeli government policies, which were clearly announced,
especially by the extremist Gavier, that they would significantly increase
settlement construction in Jerusalem and the West Bank, in addition to
unprecedented punitive measures against the Palestinians. Such as the death
penalty legislation, and the unprecedented siege of Palestinian cities and towns.
The Palestinian Authority also denounced this step and call on the international
community and the United Nations to take serious measures to stop Israeli
violations in Palestine, especially Jerusalem. And it called for the activation of
United Nations resolutions related to Jerusalem and settlements, especially the
annexation of Jerusalem, as it is a violation of the resolutions of international
legitimacy and the United Nations, and a violation of international humanitarian

law and international law, given that Jerusalem, the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and Islamic
and Christian religious places are occupied areas according to these laws, and the
occupying power is prohibited from making any changes in These areas affect this
legal capacity.
The Palestinian Authority, political forces and civil society organizations saw that
this step opens the door to an escalation in Palestine, especially since Gavier
stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque in his capacity as Minister of Internal Security and was
approved by Prime Minister Netanyahu. And it was allowed, according to the
official Israeli radio (Kan). It is true that Gavier had stormed the Al-Aqsa courtyard
several times in the past, but this was not in his unofficial capacity, and within the
framework of announcing this intrusion in this capacity, which coincided with
many statements by him and members of the new government to intensify and
expand settlement in and around Jerusalem and the rest of the occupied West
It is necessary to recall and stress that the storming of Al-Aqsa courtyards by the
Israeli Minister of Internal Security comes within the framework of the continuous
violations that Jerusalem is exposed to, such as the demolition of homes and the
confiscation of lands, as happened in the town of Silwan three weeks ago when
lands close to the mosque and located south of it were fenced off and
confiscated. The confiscation came in order to build and establish what is called
(the biblical garden). And the repeated incursions by the Israeli police forces into
many areas of Jerusalem, as is happening constantly in the Shuafat refugee camp
and the town of Issawiya.