The Youth Forum
Written by Ahmad Jaradat – Alternative Information center – Palestine
In the context of the partnership between the Alternative Information Center - Palestine, the
Popular Resistance Committees Coordination, and Al-Eizariya Municipality, a youth forum
was implemented in two sessions:
The first session took place in Al-Eizariya Municipality Hall on Sunday, May 14 th , 2023.

The second session took place on Saturday, May 20 th , 2023, in the Bedouin gathering of Jabal
Al-Baba - Al-Eizariya, threatened with displacement.
The first session on May 14 th , 2023:Attended by 20 participants. The Mayor of Al-Eizariya,
Mr. Mohammed Abu Al-Rish, welcomed the attendees and emphasized the importance of the
Youth Forum in raising awareness among the youth about the closures and isolation imposed
on the town and Jerusalem through the apartheid wall, as well as the violations affecting the
lives of the residents in a town with a population of approximately 35,000 citizens. The
session featured a presentation by the journalist and activist in Jerusalem affairs, Mr.
RasemObeidat, and the activist Ratiba Al-Natsheh from the Jerusalem Civil Society. Mr.
Zakaria Odeh, the coordinator of the Civil Coalition for Human Rights in Jerusalem. The
session was facilitated by Nassar Ibrahim, the Director of the Alternative Information Center
- Palestine.
During the session, the attendees made interventions, asked questions, and presented several
suggestions. The focus was on the importance of developing joint awareness initiatives
among the youth to understand the details of what is happening in Jerusalem, Al-Eizariya,
and their surroundings, as well as the need for local and international engagement to highlight
these issues.
Second session, May 20 th , 2023: With the presence of 50 participants from the youth (Sa'ir
Youth Forum - Hebron and popular resistance activists from MasaferYatta - East Hebron,
Ramallah, Bethlehem, Jabal Al-Baba, and Al-Eizariya). The session was held in the solidarity
tent at the Bedouin gathering in Jabal Al-Baba - Al-Eizariya. Mr. AtallahMazra'a, the head of
the gathering in Jabal Al-Baba, delivered a welcoming speech to the attendees and presented
the challenges faced by the gathering, which consists of 400 individuals, due to the policy of
displacement threats and violations practiced by the occupation authorities, including house
demolitions, closures, and repeated raids on the community.
Nassar Ibrahim, the director of the Alternative Information Center - Palestine, was present
and focused on the violations and displacement policies carried out by Israel in Jerusalem and
its surroundings. He emphasized the importance of the role of youth, institutions, clubs, and
youth frameworks in confronting these policies by raising awareness about Jerusalem. Mr.
Zakaria Odeh also presented an overview of the situation in Jerusalem. Mr. Ahmad Jarradat
from the Alternative Information Center - Palestine facilitated the sessions and forum
Then the attendees listened to the interventions and questions of the participants, which
focused on the role of youth in raising public awareness about the situation in Palestine,
especially Jerusalem, due to its political, social, economic, religious, and touristic
significance to the Palestinian people. They discussed the joint youth struggle and activism to
confront Israeli policies and violations of Palestinian human rights in the city and its
surroundings. They highlighted the implications of the city's closure with the separation
barrier and military checkpoints, as well as the isolation of residential neighborhoods such as
Al-Eizariya, Abu Dis, Beit Hanina, and Shuafat refugee camp.
They discussed the policy of land confiscation, property seizure, house demolitions, and
organized displacement aimed at creating a reality where Palestinians, who number around
500,000 citizens, become a minority in favor of settlement expansion and the influx of more
settlers. They also addressed the constant violations against Islamic and Christian religious
sites, such as invasions and attacks on worshippers of both faiths, as well as restrictions on
access to these sites, whether by Jerusalem residents or people from other Palestinian areas.
They also discussed the policy of racial discrimination against Palestinians in education and
social rights, among other issues.
These policies serve Israel's declared goal of making Palestinians a minority in the city and
isolating it from its surrounding Palestinian areas.
All of this comes as a result of Israel's implementation of decisions to annex Jerusalem and
declare it as the capital of Israel, in flagrant violation of international resolutions and the
principles of human rights regarding dealing with Jerusalem as occupied territory. These
decisions should be halted, and the occupying authorities should be prohibited from making
any changes that affect the legal status of the occupied land, especially in accordance with the
Fourth Geneva Convention agreements.
In the afternoon, the participating youth were divided into three workshops:

Workshop 1: The Role of Youth and the Challenges in Jerusalem.
The facilitator Nansi Shalaldah. The number of the group is 17 participants.
Educating young people to raise issues related to awareness and education to protect the
cultural heritage and promote Palestinian national concepts among young people about Jerusalem .
Organizing mutual visits for cultural exchange and dialogue between young
people in Jerusalem areas.
Workshop 2: Youth and Cultural Resistance.
Session facilitator Muhammad Zawahra: The number of the group is 16 participants
The group focused on the importance of strengthening the role of youth in participating in
public issues, intensifying their presence in areas exposed to Israeli violations, and showing
solidarity with the victims. As well as increasing educational meetings and workshops about
what is happening in Palestine. And work with solidarity activists and the international
community by activating social networks to serve this purpose. And using the media to
expand the circle of exposing the policies of the occupation. The participants also focused on
the need for continuity in youth meetings at the national level. Exchanging views on issues of
concern to young people and promoting democratic dialogue among young people.

Workshop 3: Networking between movements, forums, youth clubs, civil society
frameworks, and grassroot committees to raise youth awareness about the situation in
Jerusalem and its surroundings.
Session facilitators: Alaa Al-Qadi and Batool Dawood. The number of the group is 14
Participants focused on strengthening the role of civil society and the relationship between
youth institutions by organizing workshops between youth sectors and civil society
institutions, and organizing periodic seminars and meetings between them. And listening to
experts, activists, and analysts about issues that concern young people and the importance of
mobilizing judges that concern young people. Promoting media programs on the importance
of the role of youth in participating in political and social life. Focusing on the countries of
universities and institutes in building continuous relationships between grassroots youth
institutions and civil society institutions. Focusing on issues related to youth needs and the
role of civil society in working on them. Focusing on teamwork in educating young people by
organizing meetings in cities and villages, and focusing on marginalized areas and the youth
in them. The importance of women’s attendance and participation in the activities organized
by civil society, focusing on the rights of women and children in workshops and meetings.
Establishing communication networks through the use of the Internet in communication
between civil society organizations and youth committees.
The recommendations and suggestions put forward by the participants in the workshops:

The recommendations can be summarized as follows, with a consensus reached among the
participants in all three workshops:
Focus on the role of youth by organizing multiple forums and gatherings in various
areas of Jerusalem and its surroundings to raise awareness about the situation in the
Foster networking between movements, forums, and youth clubs, and engage in joint
activities regarding the events in Jerusalem and its surroundings.
Integrate youth in universities by involving them in educational and awareness
activities related to the situation in Jerusalem and its surroundings. Build relationships
with student movements and student councils in universities, colleges, and schools.
Provide research papers, studies, articles, photographs, and videos to make them
accessible to youth, allowing them to stay informed about the developments and
policies implemented by Israel against Palestinians in Jerusalem and its surroundings.

Integrate youth in cultural and social activism to protect Palestinian cultural,
historical, and civilizational heritage in the city. Conduct solidarity campaigns with
Jerusalem, whether through direct presence or utilizing virtual spaces and social
media platforms.
Ensure the continuity and sustainability of these activities and disseminate the ideas to
broader youth sectors to involve them in these initiatives.
Focus on the gender aspect in youth participation in forums and workshops.
Organize field visits to different areas in Jerusalem or its surroundings, enabling
youth to closely observe and understand the realities and their impact on people's lives
due to isolation, the separation wall, land confiscation, property seizures, house
demolitions, etc.
Prepare booklets and newsletters that emphasize the ongoing events in Jerusalem,
documenting the latest updates regularly, and distribute them among youth as
educational and informative material.
Organize online meetings where youth from different areas in Palestine participate to
discuss various issues related to what is happening in Jerusalem. These meetings
should be held regularly.